Do a search on the internet for who is the real antichrist, and you will come across a whole range of views and beliefs that are just wild speculations, from Presidents and Princes, to movie stars. And virtually none of them are based on sound Biblical truth.
The truth about the real Bible antichrist can only be found using the Bible and actual historical facts. By guessing, we will get nowhere. So we must turn to the Word of God to find the real truth about the Bible antichrist.
The first appearance of the end time antichrist in the Bible is the little horn power in Daniel 7. This little horn then becomes the beast in Revelation 13, and then we find in Revelation 17 'Mystery Babylon the Great' who is riding the scarlet coloured beast. You will find as you read through this page that the little horn of Daniel and the sea beast in Revelation 13 is the same kingdom, a church-state power. And Babylon the Great defines who that church is, which "controls" the secular powers of the world.
Before we go on, please note this important point about the antichrist ...
The majority of Christians who have views about this issue tend to follow the "emergence of antichrist" teaching, which proclaims that the end time antichrist will be a future person who will rise up to a leadership position, say within the European Union. Someone who will be openly opposed to Christ Jesus. Many even take the "left behind" books to be truth! Part of the problem, apart from people not studying the Bible for themselves, is because of the actual word "ANTI"-christ. They believe this means it will be someone who is openly opposed to Christ Jesus. But they miss an important fact about this word. In the original language, the word "anti" in antichrist can also mean IN PLACE OF. So we are not looking for someone who is openly opposed to Christ Jesus, like a secular leader. No, we are looking for someone, according to this definition, who will put himself "IN PLACE OF" Christ on earth.
Let's further strengthen this point. In 2 Thessalonians 2:3, Paul talks about the falling away that would happen within the church and the "man of sin" who would be revealed. Now look at what Paul called that "man of sin". He calls him the "son of perdition". Did you know that there is only one other person in the Bible called by that name ... "son of perdition"? Turn to John 17:12 and you will see that Jesus is calling JUDAS that "son of perdition". So what do we learn from this? We learn that the man of sin would be someone like Judas, who would deceive from WITHIN the church.
Let's clarify this even more from the Bible. In 1 John 2:18-19, John quotes that the "many antichrists" in his day were not people who were openly opposed to Christ Jesus. No, he confirms that they "WENT OUT FROM US". Meaning that they were people within the Christian church.
There is no doubt that the antichrist will be found WITHIN the professing Church.