"And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake
out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed." (Romans 13:11)
The Bible end times are here! And we are living right before the second coming of Christ Jesus, when He will burst upon this world in glory with all His holy angels. It is our hope that you have come here today looking for the truth about the end times and Bible prophecy.
Today we are living in a time like no other! The scoffers can mock all they like about earthquakes, wars and famine being with us for hundreds of years. But the fact of the matter is, if you take into account ALL the signs, you will see we are living in a time like no other before us! Are you ready?
Friend, this is a very important hour we live in. Satan has come down with "great power and fury" and we MUST strive hard to press on into the Kingdom of God. We have a mighty foe to battle with, but an even MIGHTIER protector in Christ Jesus to help us! If we fix our eyes firmly on the present truth and have our hope cast WITHIN the Most Holy Place where Christ Jesus now resides, judging the world, then any winds of false doctrine and error will not move us. We will not be moved by worldly excitement and false revivals because we have followed our Master, Teacher, Saviour and Friend into the Most Holy Place in the heavenly sanctuary, where His people are being judged right now (1 Peter 4:17). This is a solemn time of soul searching and turning away from sin. Are you ready to stand before a Holy God?.
The Bible truth can be hard to find today in these end times, because it is being trampled down and replaced with lies by satan and his followers, which has caused a "falling away" from the Bible truth since the early Church, which Paul spoke about in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 ...'Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed.' ... Through this gradual "falling away" many Christians have lost touch with the truth of God's Word in the Bible and have accepted false end times prophecy teachings, which is why we are here to shine that true light again. Are you preparing yourself for the end time trial that is to fall upon the people of God, and to meet your coming Lord and Saviour? Are you watching for the signs of the times and studying Bible prophecy? I hope so, because time is running out and we need to be prepared!
Please understand that although this site is dedicated to proclaiming truth about the end times and watching and preparing for future Bible end time events, we MUST be ready for Christ Jesus EVERY DAY, as Jesus said Himself in Matthew 24:44 ...'Therefore you also BE READY, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.'
There are many things happening in this world now that point us to the Bible end times, and Bible prophecy has always been fulfilled to the exact detail in God's Word. The beast of Revelation 13 (Roman Catholic Church) is gaining more and more power. The image of the beast is being setup in America, and the mark of the beast will soon follow, and on top of that, the morals of people are degenerating to the same degree as Sodom, just before God destroyed that city.